Wednesday, November 19, 2008

The best feature

France, night

I was just thinking...what is the best feature of a man?

If he makes me laugh. I can't resist a man who makes me laugh, especially if he does it in a nice way (no vulgarity please).

Of course it is not the only quality that makes me love someone, but the person I love has for sure to be able to make me smile and laugh.


Piccola said...

The most important features for me are sense of humor and intelligence. If a man can make me laugh, and I can learn from him and grow as a person, then in my opinion, he's a keeper. Another added bonus is a man that is not afraid to do things for himself. My ex was a complete mammone and I promised myself never to get involved with one of those again.
I am really lucky to have found all of these qualities in my Italian! I'm so happy to have him in my life.

By the way, on your previous post about your apartment where you mention missing Germany for it's efficiency, it reminded me of something the Italian said. I was complaining about how long it took the Poste Italiane to deliver his Christmas package (2 MONTHS!!) and he said, "We are not Germany"
I can't believe those pictures!! This kind of thing would never happen here. You shouldn't be living in those conditions. Doesn't France have a Department of Health?? I guess even if they do it would be like pulling teeth to get them to do anything for you. I hope you get some results soon!

fromtheworld said...

Piccola you are right! Sense of humor and intelligence! two good points! I am glad that your Italian is not a mammone...Well caught! I am really happy for you both!
For the rest....the beloved Poste Italiane.....You can be lucky that he received the package at all!
Lastly, after seeing the conditions of the public bathrooms here, I am not sure about what is considered normal in terms of healthy places and hygiene here..But yes, based on my standard, it is unacceptable!