Monday, October 20, 2008


France, morning

Rain, lot of rain, pms and general dark I will have to work a lot to keep my mood up...fortunately tonight I have spinning.
Last night, I finished the book, L'eleganza del riccio. I cried at the end. It is so beautiful and so touching that I cried a lot and then I couldn't fall asleep. I got to think that we waste so much time in life, thinking that we will live forever and that what we don't do or don't say today, we will have all the time in the future to say it or to do it.....but this is just not true. None knows what it will happen to us today, in a few hours, tomorrow or in the next months. And we shouldn't waste precious time. We shouldn't risk to not say how much we love and how important they are the people of our lives to them.

This way of thinking, the carpe diem, the live today like if it was your last day is not really my general phylosophy of life. I am a too thinking person to act so much like if it was my last day on Earth and I like to think that I still have plenty of time....but for sure, I should learn to waste less time and make sure that the people I love know how important they are too me and in my life. I wonder if they all know....on the other hand it would be weird to call them or write them and say, hey do you know how important you are in my life?....I guess that some of them would answer me yes, and then?

.....things are never easy...not even when you know the theory well....
Time to work now...


Portlandier said...

I tagged you if you'd like to do it!

And I like your post - it's amazing how a book and wake us up to things like that. It's never strange to tell someone that you love them randomly!

fromtheworld said...

....well, I guess it is not strange if you are normally in touch with these people. But if they are people who are still important to you, you still love them and they will always have a special place in your heart but for some reasons they are not currently in touch with you...well, then I guess it would be a bit strange. Or not????
...and now about the English, you are my English teacher...what does it mean your first sentence??? I am not sure I got it.

fromtheworld said...

Ok, I just checked your blog..Now I know what you mean with "I tagged you"...I didn't get it before!!!