Tuesday, October 28, 2008

problems again with the apartment

France, afternoon

I don't know if I am possessed by the spirit of bad apartments, but I again have more problems with it. If it keeps going like that I am going to explode! How is it possible that I have to keep wasting time fighting with the owner and the real estate agency that rented me the apartment? Arggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg

I need to go in holidays and forget about work, apartment, anything that gives me stress!!!

PS. This is an explosion because I am tired of dealing with the same things over and over, always alone and always in a foreign language. But I also know that these are minimal things, annoying, but minimal. I know that there are people who have much more serious problems than this, so I am not complaining.
I am just annoyed!


Piccola said...

Unfortuntately, that's apartment life. I can't wait to own again. I'm going to write a post about nightmare apartment life. But having to deal with it in another language, that must be hard!

You know I wrote a long message in one of your other posts and then when I clicked the publish your comment button, poof! It disappeared and it said blogger is not working. Porca miseria! I was so frustrated I couldn't type it anymore and yesterday I lost my wireless connection for the laptop. I'm a disaster for the computer! Boh.

fromtheworld said...

I have to say that when I had problems with the apartment in Germany, the owner was so nice that not only helped me in any possible way, but she even decreased the rent when I asked her....I guess I was extremely lucky then. Here the demand for apartment is just too high, and so they don't put any effort to improve anything...so any minimal problem ends up in a fight. I just had mine a few minutes ago...we will see the result of it.
About computers. You are not alone. Do you know the feeling of when you write a long important email and then you press send and you don't know why but suddenly the email has not been sent and everything got lost? I hate those moments! I am a disaster too with the computer and every time something happen with it, I just panic!