Saturday, October 11, 2008

increasing anger

France, evening

My mood today changes continuously. Now I am really, really angry. This is due to the fact that I am working on something and my ex-boss is an idiot. The problem is that my ex-boss is a well-established idiot with a lot of friends and a good solid position (which I have now some idea about how it has been obtained). So, I can't piss off my ex-boss too much. But when you deal with an idiot who treats you as a first year student, even if you are a postdoc, when tells you to do things in a way that make no sense and interest none except my ex-boss, not exploding is quite difficult. In my mind I already experienced all the possible revenges, but none seems feasible enough. The worst is that I am not at all a vindictive person, but when you keep being pushed multiple times over the edge, it comes a moment when it is too much. This is the moment for me. My ex-boss gets the worst out of me.

Does anyone have any idea of a) how I can decrease my anger and frustration b) not do what my ex-boss wants and still make it happy c) deal with an idiot?

I would like to not always be alone to fight my battles. Sometimes it would be nice to know that you have someone that no matter in how much shit you are dig in, still loves you and is there for you in case of need.

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