Friday, October 17, 2008


France, evening

First, I have to say that I love the website with the dutch words. You can listen to their pronunciation and since dutch to me sounds as a strange language, I just love it. I actually have one of these cds that you buy hoping to learn a language. Well, I didn't learn the language yet (dutch), but sometimes I play the cd just to relax. Dutch sounds relaxing to me. What can I say??? I know I am a bit weird....

I booked a facial for tomorrow in a spa close to my apartment. I feel I need to pamper myself. I also went to the supermarket tonight and I bought the fish sticks....does the word fish sticks make sense in English? I have no idea how these things are called in any other language than Italian (bastoncini di pesce). Anyway, I love them, even if every time I think that it looks like a food for kids...but, oh, well...who cares. They are good.

I biked home today thinking that I became a passive person. I have always been a fighter, but these last two years in some way sucked out of me all my energies, leaving me with nothing more than the energy to carry on day by day. I know sorry, it is not very exciting. It will get better. It will. Dunno when, but it will. Anyway, I really don't have the energy to fight for big or small things anymore and so I just leave things happening, even if sometimes they bother me or the make me sad.

Let's start from the easiest things that I could do to improve my life a bit and I don't do because the only idea of doing them make me tired. My neighbour: the stinky carpet is still there and not only is in the middle of the way but it seriously stink so much that the corridor between our two apartments is a place where not stand for longer than a second if you don't want to vomit. How difficult would be to ring their bell and let them notice that the carpet stink and it is there since some days and if they can remove it? Nothing. Every single day that I get back home I think, ok now the smell is too much. I will ring their bell. And then I think that the guy is big and doesn't look too friendly, that I want to avoid a discussion and maybe further problems and so at the end, I quickly open the door, enter into my apartment and forget about it. And this is one.

Second. My ex-boss pisses me so off that every single time I receive an email, even if it would be a friendly email (which is never the case anyway), I get stressed even before to open it. I let my ex-boss ruin so much my mood that to avoid any possible discussion or email exchange, I just do whatever it is written in the email, even if this costs me a lot (of time, of energy, of everything). I just spent the past week working on something my ex-boss wanted in a certain way to avoid any possible argument. I know it is pretty stupid.

The thing is, I am not becoming numb or careless, which would justify why I don't react. No, on the opposite, I get stress, I cry, but then if I think how much drama could be questioning things, I just do whatever someone asks me or let other people do what they want. Of course, this behavior is the same also in my personal relationships. You can cover me with shit before I react. And in terms of relationships, I am even more passive. I am always so afraid to lose a person (my boyfriend or a good friend) that if I say something, it is really because I can take it anymore. Of course if this other person reacts, I get so scared that I immediately back up.

Beside being a problem in terms of quality of life for me, it is also a problem because when I explode (in case of a rare event), it is really an explosion now. Most of the time, I just close myself off and cry all my tears...which is not really healthy. I will have to practice a bit more of strong sports, like spinning, and maybe also some sport to release some aggressiveness, like kick boxing...I should....


Portlandier said...

I can be the same way too - but then I end up regretting that I wasted so much time not speaking my mind. If someone really cares for you they won't leave just because you speak your mind. They should love/like you for you and even more so when you speak your mind.

p.s. facials are the best way to relax - I love them! And fishsticks is the right way to say it.

fromtheworld said...

hey, thanks for the fishsticks! I would love to be able to improve my English. My fear is that if I react with someone I care a lot about and they react badly to me, then I panic and I can't stop my panic attack to think that if this person loves me and care about me he/she will understand. Most of the time I get angry and apologize at the same time. So, next time the person feels that he/she can do whatever he/she wants.......

Piccola said...

More on the the sentence that you used it, "I bought the fishsticks", it would be more proper to say, "I bought some fishsticks".

When I get a job (I'll finish school in December) I'm going to get a facial, massage and pedicure! It's the best! Lucky you!

I think you need to tell your neighbor because they are being inconsiderate. I'm going to write about a situation I had with a neighbor on my blog. Either they are oblivious, or just plain rude. Let them know that you are not a doormat! My Mamma would have thrown bleach on their carpet...haha! She doesn't take shit from anybody!

Now about relationships, you should never be afraid to lose anyone. If it was meant to be, it will be. That's what another blogger told me and she was right. If they really love you, they will love everything about you, imperfections and all.

If you want a sport to release your agressions, you already know it. Tennis. It's like a chess match. Some people say it's like boxing, without the blood. It helps you stay focused too. I miss it so much. I haven't played in over a year. When I finish school and have a bigger budget, I'm going to get back into it.

Buona notte!

fromtheworld said...

thanks for the English! Corrections and advices are always welcomed!
Let's say that if my neighbors don't remove the carpet today, I will ring their bell tomorrow. Let's hope that it is just that during the week they did not have enough time to do it...
For the rest. I know that you and missb are right in saying that if someone truly loves me I shouldn't be that afraid. But I am. I am sure it has something to do with the fact that my father left us when I was 12 and from there on he lost any interest in us. I am really afraid of losing the people who are important to me. I rarely get attached, but if I do, I don't want to lose them.

fromtheworld said...

good news!!!! My neighbors finally removed the stinky carpet! Bad news. There are piece of it everywhere and some stinky liquid from the carpet ended up on the corridor floor....Piccola, it would have been good to have your mom here :-) (PS my mom too, she would have reacted immediately for sure!)