Thursday, October 23, 2008

how do you resist to temptations?

France, evening

Just got back home from the first class of my French course. My mood is still the same. But at least I had to bike quite a bit to reach the place of the course, so I exercised a bit. Do you know the feeling of when you strongly want to do something and you know you can't? when you know that you have to resist to a temptation, but the hitch of wanting to do it is so strong that resisting is actually more painful than doing it...this is how I feel now, on top of my weird mood. I think I am going to explode one of these days...
I am not good in resisting to temptations. Not too many things represent a temptation for me. I don't like chocolate, so I can resist to eat that easily. I don't eat too much, so resist to food is easy. I don't drink alcohol, I don't smoke,, resisting to the most normal temptations is extremely easy for me, because these are not temptations. But I do have some unhealthy addiction and this is that if I became attached to someone, then I attach to him/her really strongly. And when I became attached to someone, this person is like a drug for me. I don't mean it in a bad way, like that I am dependent on this person, that I can't think with my head and so on. I mean it in a good way. My life is more pinkish with the people I am attached to as part of my life. They are not many, actually, they are a few, but they count a lot to me. So, when for different kind of reasons, I can't talk to them and I would like to, when I strongly would like to call them and visit them and spend time together and I know I can't, then I feel like I can't resist to temptations, I feel like I have to force myself and torture myself to resist.

Now, the question is.... I am sure that the end goal of resisting to temptations is good, but in the present, when I pass through hell to not do what I actually would like to do, how can I keep in mind the reason why I should resist and don't give up?
How do normal people resist to normal temptations? and can I learn to be stronger???
I would like to have someone to call and talk for ours about all my mental paranoia...Unfortunately, my "A" friend (A for the closest friend, the one of first category, something like this), does not have a home phone and calling her on the cellphone is too expensive......................

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