Tuesday, October 21, 2008

I've been tagged too

France, evening

I have been tagged by MissB in California. It took me a bit to understand what that means, but I finally got it. I am not very much into these things, but on the other hand, why not participating for once? so, here I am.....and even if I am not great in strictly following the rules.......

Here are the rules:
1. Link to the person that tagged you
2. Post the rules on your blog
3. Share 6 non-important/habits/quirks about yourself
4. Tag 6 random people at the end of your post by linking to their blogs
5 Let each person know they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their website
6. Let your tagger know when your entry is up

1) I love traveling, I do travel a lot, and I hope to keep traveling in the future. It is something I wanted to do since I was really young. I have always been fascinated by different countries and different cultures. I dream of one day having the gut to write down all my traveling experiences in a book.
2) As Piccola, I am totally crazy about my feet. They are long, they are skinny, they are with the pinkies looking inside. I still love them. I think it is the best part of my body (opinion this that none who saw my feet shares with me, but who cares)
3) I love old people. I love talking to them. I love to hear their stories of another time. I love to watch the movies with my grandparents and their friends at my age (and later). My grandfather wrote a diary about his life, from his youth to my uncle birth and I think it was one of the best present I have ever received.
4) I have to fight myself to not bite my nails (this is a thing that I can't stop doing when I am extremely nervous)
5) I collect cups/mugs. I hate that changing continuously the country where I live, I also have to leave stuff (including my cups) beyond
6) I am something like a soyeater/treehugger/birkenstockwearing/sealsaving/granolamunching. I actually don't have the birkenstock and I don't hug trees, but someone really close to me called me like that once and I thought it was cool....and I do try anyway to go green and bio (and I eat soy and granola).

Ok, I made it to six!
Now I have to tag someone who has not been tagged yet. I can't find six people to tag, so I go for:

Urban Animal
La Femme

Is four enough???

PS time for a cup of tea now...


Piccola said...

Brava!! We should start a feet lovers club..haha! I truly believe you are an Oregonian at heart. This is a haven for tree-hugging, granola munchering, birkenstock wearing people. Oregon is the greenest state!
I can't collect cups because L'Italiano breaks them all! He's my little disaster :) He broke 3 of my really nice wine glasses and one dish when he was here this summer.
I like to hear stories told by my old aunts and uncles too. All my grandparents died already. I think you should write a book about your Nonno's diary.

fromtheworld said...

My grandfather' diary is deposited in the archive of the historical diaries in Italy, as it contains a lot of historical things. Of course, my sister, my cousins and I have our own copy. Of my grandparents I have only one grandmother left and I talk to her at least once a week on the phone.
It is funny that your Italian breaks everything...it seems like my sister's husband...whatever he touches, if he doesn't pay a lot of attention, he will break it :-)
I should definitively visit Oregon!

GlitterVictim said...

Posso risponderti in italiano? Così evito di scrivere cavolate stratosferiche :-S

Grazie per avermi taggato, ormai il linguaggio di facebook sta dilagando ovunque.

Ho ricambiato con molto piacere linkando il tuo blog tra i miei blog preferiti.

A presto,

fromtheworld said...

certo che mi puoi rispondere in Italiano...sono Italiana io!!! e per il live traffic, chiaro che lo puoi copiare, anche io l'ho preso da un altro blog...anche a me piace tantissimo. Se vuoi continuare il tag lo puoi fare anche in Italiano sul tuo sito, basta che copi le regole del tag e scrivi 6 cose su di te (strane non strane, quel che ti pare) e poi taggi altre 6 persone (nel mio caso erano 4 pero'). Semplice no?

Cycling Goddess said...

I shall do it soon! Great inspiration :) Thanks for tagging me!

fromtheworld said...

Hey Urban Animal, I am looking forward to read your six point soon then!