Monday, June 16, 2008

France vs USA

Montpellier (France), late afternoon (which basically is evening)

Still at work. I may have finally got how a principal component analysis works. But this is not the main topic of this blog. The topic concerns something I observed over my lunch today.

I got a great bagel with vegetables and guacamole. I sat and while eating it, I saw in front of me a girl opening a bottle of water, taking a napkin, dropping on it some water and using that to wash her hands. She didn't have eaten anything. She was just sitting in a public place, with her hands on the public table. I knew before to hear her talking that she could only have been American. In fact, she was.

I stepped from the world (USA) were if they could, they would kill every kind of existing bacteria (even the ones that are good to us), to the world (France) where public hygiene seems to be just an hobby. I can't stop to be shocked every time I observe these strong differences.

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