Happy 2009 to everyone!!!!
My last day of the year has been for a large part of the day, a summary of the rest of the year 2008: quite crap.
However, last night we had a nice dinner and we laughed a lot, which was good. This even beside the couples trying to "picci picci" each other. It was good to begin the new year with laughs. I hope that the rest of the year will continue that way.
For a change from the previous year (2008), I decided to wear a dress I love, with Siamese orange cats on it, quite short. I don't wear it very often, as it is short and I don't really like my knee. But I adore this dress. I decided to wear it with something different from what it is usually my kind of clothes and I wore high boots in a Gothic style. The effect was good. I even wore make up (which I don't normally wear). Just for a change.
The change was probably visible if I have to judge from the reaction of my family and friends.
It is raining here today. I decided that at least today I am not going to work. And to avoid any temptation, I will go to a thermal bath near by with my mom. Starting the new year with a bit of pampering is not a bad idea.
Of course, I have to say I miss a kiss and a hug from a special someone.
grazie. Spero anche che sia un anno con tanto tanto amore e che i sogni diventino anche realta'..almeno alcuni dei sogni...
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