Saturday, February 23, 2008

satanic mass

Lucca (Italy), evening

I went to a couple of caves today. Looking for the cave salamanders. I didn't find a single one, but I found scary signs of people using these caves for other things beside speleology or looking for animals. Tuscany is one of the main center of satanic groups in Italy and caves are obviously a good place where to have their rituals. I am not that easily scared, except of dogs and white sharks, but knowing this thing makes me feel uncomfortable every time I step into a cave. If I find some animal, then I am fine since my attention is drove to something else....but if like today I find a place with an altar and a lot of signs indicating the "passage" of people there, I became quite paranoid and I expect at every second to be scared by someone jumping out from some dark place in the cave. I also read an article recently about some of the rituals of these satanic masses. Nothing that I would like to experience or to know. In these cases I prefer to behave like a ostrich: put my head under the ground and don't see or know anything about it. The main problem is for me my imagination. If things like these are already scary, in my head I make them even worse and then I end up having nightmares about it.....
Ok, so, why do I keep visiting caves? first, because fortunately these kind of meetings should not happen during the day, when I go caving. Second, the caves where we found these signs have not been that many so far and third, I love to look for cave salamanders, which are incredibly cute animals..... and fortunately I never visit a cave alone.....

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