Friday, February 27, 2009

Face massage

France, morning

Instead of blogging, I should be working right now. But I have so many things to do today, that blogging a bit doesn't sound too bad....
Yesterday I went for a face and shoulder massage. 30 minutes, 25 euros. I decided that I needed a treat to myself, since I have been working so much lately and I feel really tired (and it is visible on my face). Well, it seems that massaging here corresponds to just caressing. So, I had 30 minutes of a woman caressing my face and putting a lot of oil on it. It was actually not that relaxing, with all that oil running everywhere...I like massaging my body with the oil...but so much on my face...not really...Anyway, I tried different people and different places here where to get a massage and I don't seem to find someone or a place that I really like. Finding someone good in giving massages is not so easy. I am thinking to hire a friend of mine who is great in massaging and bring her with me around the world...I am not sure I can afford it unfortunately....

This morning my face looks as tired as it was yesterday. Lately, I am always joking that the olandesino and Scott should pay me a botox to remove some of the wrinkles that I got for sure due to the stress related to them :-)
Too bad that I am so afraid of needles that I would never be able to get a seems so painful...
Ok, after this highly cultural and inspiring post I think I can start to work....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That is funny about the botox-I'm glad your doing something for yourself!