Saturday, May 23, 2009

Los abrazos rotos

France, night

I just came back from watching the last movie of Almodovar, Los abrazos rotos. I like Almodovar as a director a lot. The characters of his movies are always deep and intense. I like the characters of this movie. And the story is funny and sad at the same time. The story itself is not even that new, but it is played in a nice way, the actors are good and I enjoyed a lot. I also watched it in Spanish and I don't get why in some countries they need to translate the movies. Fortunately, here there is a movie theather where they show the movies in original language with the subtitles. I wish they would do the same in Italy. An actor talking in his/her own language gives a very different impression of his/her character. Like Penelope Cruz. When she speaks Spanish and she acts in Spanish she acts in a different way that when she acts in English. And when you see Sean Connery acting in English with his own strong Scottish accent, you get a quite different idea of the character than when the same Sean Connery is translated in French for example.

About the tranlsation. The other day I was walking in the Virgin store, when I saw an episode of the Dr. House in French. Now, House is very masculine. Can you imagine him speaking French? it just doesn't fit. His character loses something in French.

Anyway, back to the movie of tonight. Part of it was played in Lanzarote, in a place I love and where I left part of my heart. A place where when I was falling apart this winter I want to find a refuge. So, it was weird to see this place in there, also because I didn't expect it to be in the movie. I felt a stone in my stomach when I saw it. I have a lot of very nice memories connected to that place.

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