Sunday, April 26, 2009

this is crazy

France, evening

I am sure that tomorrow when I will go to the toxicology lab to get some test for the arsenic contamination, because I don't feel well and I have weird symptoms, they will also test me for this new wave of flue who killed already a lot of people in Mexico.

I just read this article in the NewScientist. Ok that being prepared is always better than being unprepared, but isn't this article contributing to create panic? and isn't more difficult to keep a situation under control when people are in panic?


Portlandier said...

Hope you feel better. I thought of you when I heard about the Swine Flu which I hope you don't have!!! Let us know when your better!

fromtheworld said...

Thanks. I got the test for the arsenic this morning. So, now I have to wait for the results. I don't have any classical flu symptoms, so I feel pretty safe from the swine flu...hopefully!