Sunday, August 17, 2008

Wishes to myself

France, evening

My mood have been up and down lately. I also turned 33 a few days ago.
In the last weeks, I felt light again after two years of lot of weight on my shoulder and lot of guilt feelings. It felt good, incredibly. I thought I forgot how to feel light.

So, I wish to myself to find a reason to laugh at least once a day. And not only to smile, but really to laugh. I want to laugh more.

I wish to myself to feel light again and to keep worries and feeling of guilt as far as possible from me (this latter is a quite hard goal for me).

I wish to myself to be able to love again with trust, without the need of protecting myself, without being cynical, without always expecting the worst to happen.

I wish to learn to fight only worthed battles and being able to leave the others to the rest of the world.

I wish to learn again to be more positive. At least a little bit more than now.

I wish I can live my life better than in the last two years. Life is too short and for sure I waste a lot of time feeling guilty and doing things out of guilt. Often I feel I don't do enough for the people I love and sometimes I even forget that I should be the first to cover myself with love.

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