Monday, December 28, 2009

Christmas underwater

Italy, morning

I am not sure if this news left the Italian border. But we are underwater here. Not me and my family personally, we live too far from the rivers, the ponds, and the lakes. But a lot of families woke up on Christmas day to find their houses covered by mud and water.

If someone claims that the climate didn't change in the last years, this person has to be blind. One week ago we had so much snow that I can't remember the last time the town was looking like that. It doesn't normally snow here, we are too close to the sea. The temperature was at -5 C. In a couple of days, the temperature raised to +15, with an excursion of about 20 degrees. The snow melted and not only the one in town, but also the one on the neighbor mountains. And it started to rain.....

At the moment it rains again. Strongly. Numerous families are without houses, numerous animals died in the overflow of the river. The highway Firenze-mare has been closed due to the fact that a part of it is now in pieces, due to the force of the water that destroyed it. Images of the tg news last night showed where the highway should have been, even if all what it is possible to see now is just a river.

This may not be related to the climate change, but it looks to me like the weather got crazy in the last years. And of course, the meeting in Copenhagen with the "bigs" of the world didn't really represent any concrete step toward doing something for the environment..........


Portlandier said...

Those poor families!

fromtheworld said...

I agree and it keeps raining, so even helping them is not easy....