Sunday, November 15, 2009

Proud of being French

France, morning

I am not French. I am Italian. So, this post is not about me. It is about all the French people who think that France is the best country in the world and "pure" French are the best human in the world.

I think that being nationalist is a good thing. Italians are not too nationalists and it is a pity....we have a lot of things to be proud of. Americans are generally quite nationalist, but not quite like the French!!!

Birthday party last night. 12 people invited. Nine French, one Italian (me), one person from Thailand, and one from Iran. I speak and understand French, generally. I don't get anything if nine people talk all together in different French accents/slang/dialects. The evening started then with me being an object of fun for my incapacity of understanding everything all the time. As I am in France since a year and some months now, I should master the language and any of its nuances. I don't. Point taken. Apologies for that. Making fun of my incapacity to understand absolutely everything was funny for a couple of minutes. Then it got annoying.

My level of being annoyed was not that high anyway at that point, but progressively increased with the time passing by. I don't like when people talk by stereotypes. I don't like when people speak very very bad about others that are not there. I am not politically correct and my stay in the USA didn't change that. But I also don't like to make very bad comments about other people. Again, you can make a funny comment once and it is ok. Talking badly about the same person for longer than that is just mean.

So, it went from someone who was too hairy and stingy to a comment on how Jews are stingy (I wonder how many Jews they met to say this).
- First: bad comment about the Jews.

Then Carla Bruni vs. Monica Bellucci. Monica Bellucci has too much breast. Not very sensual. From there to: Japaneses women do not have shape at all. No breast, no butt, nothing.
- Second: bad comment about the Japaneses.

UK. The only good thing that the UK have is London, which is good because it is full of French. British are all ugly because they just have body with no muscles and they have such a white skin.
- Third: bad comment about the UK and the British.

Then the conversation moved to a competition about the shortest penis in the world. Of course, French are on average the best equipped. The fact that black men have good attributes is just a legend, based on experience it is just not true and in bed they suck.
- Fourth: bad comment about black men.

The French are of course not only the ones with on average the best attributes, but they are also generally better. The men with the shortest penis in the competition were certainly Americans. Even if apparently the men with the shortest penis on average in the world are Asian.
- Fifth: bad comment on American and Asian men.

From there one guy went on making very bad, heavy comments about one of my friends (not knowing that she is a good friend of mine), to which point I got very very annoyed. I should just not care about it. But I have friends in a lot of different places in the world and I met a lot of people of a lot of different nationalities and I have been living in a lot of different countries. I can find the good and bad everywhere and I can find the good and bad in people from any nationality. Personally, as I wrote here a lot of times, I find French men generally very unattractive. But this is just me. And for sure it is not a stereotype and it is based on the French men I meet and met here. It is not a nice comment, but it is at least based on my personal conception of it. As well as the fact that a lot of French don't shower enough. At least, I experienced that.

But this nationalism that a lot of French have (fortunately not all of them) to think that they are much better of the rest of the world.......I stand it very badly.....

After all, it was an ok evening. I ate some very good crepes that the host made especially for me with soya milk and no butter and not everyone was following the trend of speaking very bad about other people who we all know and were not there or other countries. So, it was ok. But I wish people would pay more attention to cultural differences and invest a bit more in learning about people who are different from what we know. There is so much to learn from others and other cultures!


Portlandier said...

What a conversation! Your right that in the U.S alot of people are politically correct and wouldn't say anything like that usally.

They should have been more aware and polite of their guests!

fromtheworld said...

The day after the birthday party I got the occasion to get together with some of the people who were at the party and I found out that I was not the only one annoyed by these comments. I guess that some people need to say bad things about others to gather attention and to feel better about themselves.