Today I woke up really early...well, early for me at least, 8.30 am. Last night I was in Florence to see a musical, Peter Pan, and I came back home late at night. But it was worthed. The show was nice and I enjoyed. Ok, not really like a Broadway show, but good.
So, today Vasco and I decided to go hiking and to look for salamanders. This because he often sees salamanders during his walks, not even looking or searching for them. While here in Italy, I never see them, not even when I look for them. Of course, I found the cave salamanders I am working on, but that is another planned to go to a place with a small river. A nice place with a view on the sea. Vasco said that there would probably be even a bit warmer (last night it was -2 Celsius).
We got there and it started to rain. But just a bit, nothing to worry about. We brought lunch with us and we had big plans. By the time we were about 20 minutes from the car, it started to rain stronger..and then stronger and stronger until we found the snow.......Not even the snow stopped us. We wanted to walk outside and I was turning any possible rock to look for animals.... We reached some kind of a point and at that time, when we stopped to take some pictures (like the ones below), we both realized to be completely soaked..........................
This is Vasco and below it is me.....
So, we decided that maybe it would have been better to start to walk back and look for some animals another day. During our walk back, we still didn't find a single animal, but we found a man who started to say that the Virgin Mary protects us and that it was good that she gave us the rain since it was about since 3 months that didn't rain. Vasco tried to say that maybe the Virgin Mary could be more occupied with something slightly more important than let it rain exactly on the spot and the moment we were hiking, but this guy reacted as if Vasco had offended him, we decided to mind our own business and keep walking back....
We got to the car, took this picture and decided to eat our lunch in Vasco's car.
Beside the rain and the fact that the only animal I saw was a grey airon next to the road while we were driving to the mountain (A BIRD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO), I enjoyed the day a lot and I am looking forward to another hike (maybe next time without rain!).