Monday, March 9, 2009

Getting ready

France, night

I am leaving in a week for California and I can't say that I am ready. Actually, quite the opposite. I have so many scattered things to think about that I can't even think that I am leaving in a week to work somewhere else for a month.

Among the various things to think about, last week I got two notices from the Justice Palace. Of course, I got worried. Basically, my landlady, who is even younger than me, wants so badly to get back into possess of this apartment to avoid to do any work in it, that to be sure that I will leave, she involved a lawyer. How sick can you be please? the people of the real state agency where I rented the apartment apologized to me for her behavior.
Beside this, I will have to start to look around for a new place...a new place maybe only for a couple of months, as my salary will end in September and at the moment there are no open perspectives. However, I am not even that worried, I am sure that things will just go into the right place, as they always do....but still, a lot of changes in the future that I need to consider.

On friday, I have a big job interview. The interview is actually not big...the job position is. I have to go near Paris for that. In the middle of nowhere. So, I will leave on thursday to be sure to be there on time on friday morning.

I spent the last 4 days working like crazy (reaching the top of the tip of stress yesterday in which I spent I don't know how many hours just crying because I was very very tired and I couldn't do anything anymore) for a big grant application to find out this evening, before the submission, that yes, it is not written clearly in there, but basically I can't ask for a salary for myself in the grant. Then, why should I even bother to apply? to ask a salary for other people? yeah, very smart, congratulations...whatever....I just got upset thinking of how beautiful was the weather in the past two days and how I didn't enjoy it at all to stay home to work.....

What else? My life is going too fast. It is really spinning, I am not sure I can catch up. I need to stop and breath. But it seems that I didn't get the time yet.

I am looking forward to a long night of sleep.


Anonymous said...

Change always seems to come at once. Sorry about your landlady - hopefully she gets over it and lets you stay a few more months...good luck!!!

fromtheworld said...

Thanks MissB. I see the possibility that my landlady became a bit more flexible and let me stay a bit longer as a really really remote...but we will see...