Tuesday, August 25, 2009

I love gadgets

France, morning

I am going to work with my new skate. I love it. I got it for my birthday. Don't say, don't even think that these kind of things are for kids, that I am too old for that, etc. etc. I am never too old for these kind of gadgets. They just make me happy.

It is super-cool and even if I am not that good yet to be able to jump and do a lot of different tricks, I enjoy very much just to ride it here and there. Of course, I don't use the helmet. I can't tolerate the helmet. You think that I should have learned something from all the times I badly fall from the bike and hit my head against the ground (and twice I got a head concussion too). You may think that for someone like me, for whom the brain is extremely important for my work, I should be more protective toward it....but not....I feel too cool to drive my skate around with my hair flying in the wind (well, I am not going that fast, but anyway, the image looks good), all smiley.

The only small problem so far is that I didn't consider 1) how much energy you have to use with this gadget and 2) how out of shape I am.....so, after a bit I have to stop, catch some breath and start again. It also happened that it was so much work, that one day I got to work so sweaty that it looked like I just ran some marathon.....very charming.....

But it doesn't matter, riding this gadget makes my day....

What can I say? I am just an old kid! I love toys. A few Christmas ago I also got as a present a balance board....for me it is another perfect therapy for when I have my down moments. Get there, try to balance without falling and I have no time to think about anything else than that!!! it works perfectly for me....

Now, I have to run to work with my skate. Bye. Swooooooooooooooooooosh (this is the noise of me running away with the skate :-) )

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