Tuesday, April 22, 2008

It's incredible

Lucca (Italy), evening

My English is probably bad today. I spent the last 2 hours writing emails in French. I guess I will need to take a course to refresh my knowledge of French. One thing is reading and understanding it, another thing is to think in French and write it. I think in English or maybe in Spanish or in Italian, but not in French, so every time I have to translate what I want to say from a different language.

But anyway. It is not about this that I wanted to write. But about the fact that often one little event can definitively change the course of our life and our present and future. One little event can often make me jump of joy or fall into deep sadness. Now, I am in the second mood. I feel stupid and I think that sometimes we make our life much more complicated that it could be. We are just not ready to take the occasions that are offered to us. We don't "carpe diem".

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