Sunday, January 23, 2011

A solo trip postponed

My coming month off is not going to be a month off.....
it always happens.
This time for good...I hope...

I very recently received the news that I got a 3 years grants to work in Portugal. It is a great news, even if currently my mood shifts from being worried about starting over again in a new place with a new language, and being totally excited for a new place to live, a new language ect. This past friday I was so worried and in a such a bad mood that my company was certainly very unpleasant.

Anyway. This is the biggest news of this month so far. I didn't accept the grant yet, as I am waiting for the results of other two things I applied to....but of course now I have to organize myself like if Portugal will be my next home. So, there is a grant deadline in February to which I have to apply to ask the money for my project (the grant I got is for my salary). This means that I can spend some much time traveling in February and that I will have to work......but it is for good anyway...

How do I feel now about the news? still scared and excited at the same time.....


girl daydreaming said...

Hey congratulations! I visited Portugal as well a few times and I liked it very much. I think also your social life will change. As you know the Portuguese, like the Spanish and Italians are open and very socially oriented. A bit melancholic, but sincere and sweet. I like them a lot...

Being nervous about the change is normal. Moving and change can be hard, but worth it.

Good luck with the other grants you applied to as well. & Happy New Year! You're off to a good start.

fromtheworld said...

The Portugueses that I know so far are all very nice, even if quite shy and melancholic as you noticed too. The center where I will be working has a lot of foreigners too, so that should make my life easier than here in France, where most of the people are French and speak only French.
I am doing better now, but in the past 10 days I was looking at things here, my apartment, etc with a sad look. I love my apartment and I got used to my life here, I have my favorite spots in the city, and my favorite things to do....oh well, we will see how everything goes.
Thanks for the support!

Piccola said...

I think you will really like Portugal. The Italian and I went there last year and we loved it. Nice people, good food and good wine and there are many beautiful places to visit there. Nice to read you again! :-)

fromtheworld said...

Hey, such a nice surprise. How are you doing? and is the Italian with you now? I hope that everything in your life is going in the best possible way!