Sunday, October 12, 2008

the bad break up

France, evening

I always thought that. Watching sex and the city tells you a lot about relationships. It also helps to open your eyes. Anyway, I was just watching an episode of the 3rd season in which Carrie says that she is not ready to date again and the guy asks her "bad break up?". Basically she is afraid of being hurt again, so the easiest way to avoid that is to avoid another relationship.

Then I thought that women are divided in two categories. The one who can't be alone for not even 5 seconds and most of the times they already have another relationship before to end the one they are in. And women who got so hurt in their past, that they avoid any potentially happy relationship to avoid to deeply fall in love again, hope, make ideal plans and then being hurt again.
I don't need to specify to which category I belong to.

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